Refund & Return Policy

Refund & Return Policy

RITABRATA INDUSTRIES reserves the right to refuse/return any order. RITABRATA INDUSTRIES at its sole discretion may refuse/return any order(s):

Refund & Return policies applicable (both Sales & Service) in the following conditions:

If once the Order has placed, then there will be no Cancellation option.

Order only cancelled before the generating invoice.

In case, the buyer cancels the order after shipping neither the amount should be refund nor the product will be returned.

Product should only replace if there is a manufacturing defect, if only it verified by Team.

The all items are under no refund & return policy.

If there is not found any manufacturing defect, then the Customer should pay the product return delivery charges.

The customer should pay the specific service charge. If the same problem should appear within 72 hours after servicing then the customer should not pay extra for service charge.

Service hours should not be available on the extreme climate calamities like Flood Different types of cyclone etc.

Service also depends on availability of the Engineers on the Call Log day& time.

Changes to This Refund and Return Policy

We may update our Refund and Return Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Refund and Return Policy on this page.

These refund and return Policy are effective as of 2023-04-04

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Refund and Return Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at